Hello hello 〜 ともやです👋
応援への気合の入り方がすごいです haha
途中で応援するためにみんな帰っていきました 🤣
日本とはサッカー愛レベルが段違いです 😅
Hello hello 👋 I’m Tomoya.
Right now the world is in the middle of the World Cup Soccer! ⚽️
My school has a lot of different nationalities in the school.
On each game day, everyone is in class cheering for their home countries 😂
Especially, you know people from Europe and South America, which are the strongest countries in soccer, cheer for their countries on the game day.
They are very cheering for their home countries on the match days. Haha
Today's game was France vs Morocco, so my French friends left 1 hour before the game to cheer for their country.
They cheer for their friends on the way to the game 🤣
The love for soccer is so different from Japan 😅
France won today, so the final will be France vs Argentina!
I have a lot of French friends so I will be cheering for France! 😆
Well, this time I'm gonna write about transportation in LA!
I think LA have three major transportation systems in LA: Train, Bus and Uver!
治安もあまり良くなく、ホームレスと薬物中毒者で溢れかえっています 😅
⚠️特に夜の地下鉄は危ないので気おつけて下さい 😅
First of all, trains are much dirtier than Japanese trains.
The trains are filled with garbage and the air in the train smells bad.
In the worst case, there is human pee and poo in the train. Omgggg
The security is not so good either, it is full of homeless people and drug addicts 😅
⚠️Please be careful on the subway, especially at night 😅
Buses are less dangerous than trains, but they often don't arrive on time.
In the worst case, buses can be delayed for hours.
Driving can be very rough depending on the bus driver.
Lastly, Uver is much cheaper than in Japan for the distance you travel, and it has a dedicated application that makes it very convenient.
I think you know it is very convenient!
The drivers are certified by Uver, so you can ride with confidence!
結論、アメリカに来て、私は日本の交通機関はとても綺麗で優秀だと思いました 😂
LAに来た際はこの記事を参考にして、LAを観光してみて下さい 😉
In conclusion, when I came to the U.S., I thought Japanese transportation system is very clean and excellent 😂
When you come to LA, please use this article as a reference to LA 😉
See you next time 👋
応援への気合の入り方がすごいです haha
途中で応援するためにみんな帰っていきました 🤣
日本とはサッカー愛レベルが段違いです 😅
Hello hello 👋 I’m Tomoya.
Right now the world is in the middle of the World Cup Soccer! ⚽️
My school has a lot of different nationalities in the school.
On each game day, everyone is in class cheering for their home countries 😂
Especially, you know people from Europe and South America, which are the strongest countries in soccer, cheer for their countries on the game day.
They are very cheering for their home countries on the match days. Haha
Today's game was France vs Morocco, so my French friends left 1 hour before the game to cheer for their country.
They cheer for their friends on the way to the game 🤣
The love for soccer is so different from Japan 😅
France won today, so the final will be France vs Argentina!
I have a lot of French friends so I will be cheering for France! 😆
Well, this time I'm gonna write about transportation in LA!
I think LA have three major transportation systems in LA: Train, Bus and Uver!
治安もあまり良くなく、ホームレスと薬物中毒者で溢れかえっています 😅
⚠️特に夜の地下鉄は危ないので気おつけて下さい 😅
First of all, trains are much dirtier than Japanese trains.
The trains are filled with garbage and the air in the train smells bad.
In the worst case, there is human pee and poo in the train. Omgggg
The security is not so good either, it is full of homeless people and drug addicts 😅
⚠️Please be careful on the subway, especially at night 😅
Buses are less dangerous than trains, but they often don't arrive on time.
In the worst case, buses can be delayed for hours.
Driving can be very rough depending on the bus driver.
Lastly, Uver is much cheaper than in Japan for the distance you travel, and it has a dedicated application that makes it very convenient.
I think you know it is very convenient!
The drivers are certified by Uver, so you can ride with confidence!
結論、アメリカに来て、私は日本の交通機関はとても綺麗で優秀だと思いました 😂
LAに来た際はこの記事を参考にして、LAを観光してみて下さい 😉
In conclusion, when I came to the U.S., I thought Japanese transportation system is very clean and excellent 😂
When you come to LA, please use this article as a reference to LA 😉
See you next time 👋